2015년 1월 21일 수요일

Windows 10, inspired by Apple's OS X - 01

Today's InfoWorld Blogs
January 21, 2015

Windows 10, inspired by Apple's OS X

So much of what Microsoft is doing to Windows 10 is following the footsteps of Apple's OS X, which in turn has been following iOS. Using mobile OS as an inspiration reflects industry-wide changes toward supporting multiple devices.

Issue highlights

Webcast: RSA

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Is it the fate of every popular app -- especially the open source ones -- to be ported to Android? LibreOffice just made that leap, but don't expect to take your work on the road with your tablet just yet. READ MORE

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With OpenStack finally making the inroads its proponents have hoped for, the next big questions are where and how to run it, as well as how to keep it fresh. Several companies have ready answers via turnkey OpenStack solutions. READ MORE

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When an unstoppable force (faulty software) meets an immovable object (user error), what happens? Tough to say, but you definitely want to take a second look at your sales reports. READ MORE
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IDC ROI Infographic

Current trends such as evolving and shifting communication patterns, connection types, applications and bandwidth can have a business impact on enterprise organizations. Learn how IT organizations can improve the business value of WAN optimization and maximize their business ROI. READ NOW>>
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