2015년 1월 25일 일요일

Why do chemicals react?

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TED-Ed Original Lessons
What triggers a chemical reaction? - Kareem Jarrah
Animation by Flaming Medusa Studios Inc
Chemicals are in everything we see, and the reactions between them can look like anything from rust on a spoon to an explosion on your stovetop. But why do these reactions happen in the first place? Kareem Jarrah answers this question by examining the two underlying forces that drive both endothermic and exothermic chemical reactions: enthalpy and entropy.
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Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in the coal mine - William Chapman
Animation by Sandro Katamashvili
The Arctic may seem like a frozen and desolate environment where nothing ever changes. But the climate of this unique and remote region can be both an early indicator of the climate of the rest of the Earth and a driver for weather patterns across the globe. William Chapman explains why scientists often describe the Arctic as the “canary in the coal mine” when it comes to climate change.
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