2015년 2월 8일 일요일

1. Jordan strikes back

  • But ISIS lies about its hostages all the time, so don't be surprised if they're lying about Mueller's death.
    [Vox / Amanda Taub]
  • ISIS's taped executions are meant to terrorize people under its rule and attract recruits.
    [Vox / Zack Beauchamp]

2. The Grammys are Sunday

  • The 57th Grammys are this Sunday.
  • As you celebrate or rage about the results this Sunday, remember that the Grammy voting process is completely nuts.
    [Vox / Kelsey McKinney]

3. Did Harper Lee say yes?

  • But people remain skeptical about whether Lee, whose mental health is in question, actually gave permission — or if she's being manipulated by her publisher and lawyer.
    [Jezebel / Madeleine Davies]
  • New York Magazine has a great history of the famous author, who's a very private person, and all the conflicting theories that surround her.
    [New York Magazine / Boris Kachka]

4. Misc.

  • Vaccine delayers don't hate vaccines — but they don't vaccinate their children on time.
    [Vox / Julia Belluz]
  • This horribly dull government report could change music forever. Vox read it for you.
    [Vox / Kelsey McKinney]

5. Verbatim

  • "As a resident of the District, I might not agree about legalization, but I do agree with our own ability to spend our own money the way that we want to do that."
    [White House drug czar Michael Botticelli]
  • "We started with pure affection for this character [Saul Goodman], to the point that all we really knew, being brutally honest about our process, was that we loved putting words in this character's mouth."
    [Vince Gilligan to Vox / Todd VanDerWerff]

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