2015년 3월 8일 일요일

Help for Love Handles

Sunday March 08
Sunday March 08
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The Routine
Help For Love Handles
Both belly bulge and love handles are about excess body fat, not lack of muscle. Crunches and ab exercises are therefore not the only solution. The best way to reduce these problem areas is to reduce your overall body-fat percentage, and we all know that that requires diet and exercise. That said, I'm actually experimenting with different stretches and light isolation exercises for specific areas of the body, like the belly.
Moves to target belly fat »

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The Fuel
Tips to Curb Mindless Snacking
Constant snacking is one of the easiest ways to blow your calorie count for the entire day. Even when you plan out your meals, giving in to those little snacks during the day can take a toll — especially if you aren't tracking them.
How to keep yourself in check »

The Challenge
Move of the Week: Reverse Crunch
Although crunches by themselves won't burn belly fat, they will strengthen your core, burn intramuscular fat, and help you build lean, calorie-burning muscle.
Master this move »

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