2015년 3월 8일 일요일

Sunday with The New Yorker

The New Yorker
The Supreme Court: On the Bench
Reporting on the Supreme Court, particularly on the lives and work of the Justices themselves, has never been an easy piece of business. A time-honored culture of omertà often prevails at the Court, obscuring the work of an essential branch of government, an institution that has tremendous influence over American lives. But sometimes a writer gets close to the material, and is able to reveal the political and intellectual drama that has so much influence on our lives. Jeffrey Toobin, who has written two books about the Supreme Court, Margaret Talbot, Lauren Collins, and Nat Hentoff all approach the Court with rigor and an eye for the telling detail. They all approach the bench without fear. This is legal reporting at its highest level. —David Remnick

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