2015년 3월 8일 일요일

The Latest from Boing Boing

Imaginary ISIS attack on Louisiana and the twitterbots who loved it
Gilad Lotan has spotted some pretty sophisticated fake-news generation, possibly from Russia, and possibly related to my weird, larval twitterbots, aimed at convincing you that ISIS had blown up a Louisiana chemical factory.
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An online community that deletes itself once it's indexed by Google
Unindexed is an online community that anyone can contribute to; it runs a back-end process that continuously scours Google for signs that it has been indexed, and securely erases itself once it discovers evidence of same.
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One-handed bottle opener preserves caps for your collection
The Gropener is a one-handed bottle-opener designed to lift off caps without bending them (to preserve them for your collection); the anodized aluminium body has a rare-earth magnet to keep the cap from falling after it's removed.
It comes in gunmetal, black, blue, red, and green.
(via Canopy)
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Leonard Nimoy fought for pay equity for Nichelle Nichols
Just in case you needed more reasons to miss the recently departed Leonard Nimoy: Last year, the website TrekMovie reported that during the filming of the original Star Trek series in the 1960s, Nimoy fought for pay equity for Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura.
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Astounding RC flying with counterrotating drive
Barry writes, "There's a thing called pattern flying, where pilots compete to perfectly execute an elaborate set of compulsory tricks."

They do it for real, RC modelers do it, and they do it indoors with planes lighter than a pack of cigarettes.
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Bondic: multipurpose liquid UV-curing plastic adhesive
Bondic is a UV-curing liquid plastic adhesive that can stick together materials that usually require different kinds of glues to bond.
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