2014년 12월 30일 화요일

What to Know About MS Symptoms

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
What to Know About MS Symptoms
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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is far from a one-size-fits-all disease. It progresses differently for everyone, and while some people experience only a few symptoms, others must cope with many more. The frequency and severity of MS flares also vary. But one thing is the same for almost everyone with MS: A lot depends on how well you stick with your treatment plan.

"There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of exacerbations", says Jack Burks, MD, a neurologist and the chief medical officer of the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America. "And if you're successful in reducing the number of attacks, you may also alter the progression of the disease in the long run," he says.

One way to manage MS attacks is to understand the potential triggers and take steps to keep your symptoms under control.

Read the full article.

Learn more about managing multiple sclerosis »

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