2015년 1월 31일 토요일

8 Superb Solutions for Storing Pots and Pans PLUS $3,000 Entertainment Furniture Give-Away

Also: Tiny Homes, Kids' Room Colors
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Your January 31 Newsletter
8 Superb Solutions for Storing Pots and Pans
8 Superb Solutions for
Storing Pots and Pans
Whatever the size of your kitchen, storing your cookware—and retrieving it easily when you need it—can be a challenge even if you're the type who's usually super-organized. But it really doesn't have to be that way—as you'll see when you click through these 9 clever ideas, which include stellar storage solutions for both buyers and DIYers.
BDI Furniture Give-AwayEnter now for your chance to win $3,000 of stylish BDI entertainment furniture.
7 Cool Colors for Kids' Rooms
7 Cool Colors for Kids' Rooms
Save yourself the time and trouble of repeatedly repainting the kids' rooms by starting out with one of these 7 favorite picks —they're sure to stay in style.
11 Inspiringly Tiny AirBnB Homes
10 New Ideas for Shared Bedrooms
Here for your delectation and inspiration are our absolute favorite small spaces, mined from the rich seam of tiny holiday homes you can rent via AirBnB.com.
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Enter to Win $3,000 of Entertainment furniture from BDI.
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