2015년 1월 14일 수요일

Man vs. Woman: The Effects of Childhood

Psych Central
The Top 5

Man vs. Woman: The Effects of Childhood
Do boys and girls respond differently to the same childhood experiences? How do those differences play out as the boy becomes a man, and the girl grows into a woman?

A Little White Lie? What Cheating Can
Do to You...

If you choose to cheat - that one act, no matter how small, can derail you from further goals more than you know.

5 Tips to Live with Greater Confidence
When you fail or experience an unexpected challenge, your confidence can take a shot. Here's how to bounce back.

The How of Happiness: 6 Nuggets You
Need to Know

Here are six things we know - because the data shows it - that do lead to happiness.

4 Radical Things You Can Do to Make Your Relationship Easier
Learning how to have healthy conversations will help you avoid a great deal of the tension and hurt feelings that so many couples endure.

News & Views

Optimism Is Heart Healthy
People who see the glass as half full have significantly better cardiovascular health than those who are more cynical. In fact, individuals with the highest levels of optimism had twice the odds of being in ideal cardiovascular health.

Women’s Satisfaction with Body Tied to Perception of What Men Like
Women are happier with their bodies when told that men prefer women who are not supermodel thin.

Fear of Terrorism May Lead to Job Burnout
A new study examines how the fear of terrorism can lead to insomnia, a major player in job burnout.

Smart Phone Fitness Apps Need to Support Behavioral Change
While most apps provide an opportunity for social networking and feedback, few incorporate proven behavioral change techniques.

Two Genes May Boost Risk for PTSD
New findings may help explain why some people develop PTSD after a traumatic experience while others do not.

For Cancer Survivors, Some Problems
Persist for Years

While many survivors do well after treatment, some experience continuing problems that can significantly impair their quality of life.

World of Psychology

6 Ways to Tell If You and Your Partner Are in a Toxic Relationship
A bad relationship can become like an addiction - a difficult habit to break, because you are emotionally attached, and the attached part of you wants to keep trying, while the rational part knows you need to let go.

Why Compliments are Powerful
"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread."

Relieve Pain, Stress & Sleeplessness with Japanese Massage Techniques
Researchers have been exploring low-cost, alternative therapies to help people with chronic pain get better sleep.

Feeling Down? 3 Attitude Changers
Are you buzz-killing your own joy? Here’s how to tell...

5 Ways Couples Can Connect When
They're Super Busy

When it comes to couples, being busy can boost tension and create distance.

The Hyperbole of Blood Tests & Biomarkers for Depression
A breakthrough for these things is farther away than the media tell.

No One Is Successful to Spite You:
Being Happy for Others

When you find you’re able to feel happiness simply because others are happy, you gain a fresh perspective on life.

Best of our Blogs 

Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend, and Do Single People Count as People?
(Single at Heart) – New research claims to show that marriage makes people happier, with some media boiling the findings down to this advice: "Find a spouse who is also your best friend." But is that accurate?

How to Let Go of Mistakes
(Of Two Minds) - Making social mistakes - whether big or small - is inevitable. Letting them go takes self-awareness and strength.

Feeling Lonely Pursuing Your Goals? Try These 5 Things
(Commitment Strategies) - The path to success can be a lonely road. For one thing, some people don’t understand the drive it takes to reach success.

The Path to Parent Hell Is Paved
with High Hopes

(Psychoanalysis Now) – Parents on a path to "parent hell" must do the very thing that is the hardest thing for them to do: admit they are wrong.

3 Obstacles to Communication
(Anger Management) – We have power over how we interpret others' statements and control over what comes out of our mouths.

Do You Dare to Pop this Question?
(Relationship Skills) - Be careful what you ask - you may get an answer.

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Ask the Therapist

I Have Met the Person I Love Unconditionally
I have met the person I love unconditionally, but am unable to face it and be honest with it. I met a man years ago who has proved to be more...

I See Things that Are Not There
I’m 18. When I go to bed at night, I see a silhouette of a Victorian woman standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me...

I Need to Tell My Mom that I Cut Myself Again
So my mom knows I suffer from suicidal thoughts, have attempted suicide, depression, anxiety, bulimia and cutting. I go to outpatient therapy 2 times a week every week. I was...

I was diagnosed with BPD a few months ago by my psychologist that I see weekly, and was recently told that I also show some signs of sociopathic traits as...

Do I Have Borderline Personality Disorder?
I recently was looking at a page about Borderline Personality Disorder and I could relate to everything. From the self injury to the mixed feelings 24/7. I...

Daughter Has Some Behavior or Anger Issues, Are They Cause for Concern?
Hello, I have a daughter who is now 16. Recently, she has stolen from me twice but I did not confront her about it. She stole before, when she was...

A Lot of Different Questions
Hi, first I want to say thanks for taking the time to look at my question and sorry it is so long. I have recently been feeling sad and confused...

Friend and Her Mom Believe the Neighbors Are Trying to Get Them
She and her mom believe the neighbors are trying to get them. My friend is losing her dad to cancer. She recently told me that she believes her neighbors and...

Check Out What's New Here At Psych Central

New Blog: Of Two Minds
Author Mike Hedrick has been writing for Psych Central since May at our World of Psychology blog. We felt it was about time he had his own blog, to give him more room to explore and expand his writings and creative expression! That’s why we are pleased to introduce his new blog, Of Two Minds. We look forward to his continuing writing on the topics of living with schizophrenia, and what it means to live a life where so many misperceptions are the norm.

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