It's Not Just About the Scale: How Worldwide Consumers Aim to Get Healthy As we enter another new year, people all over the globe commonly vow to change things in their lives that they feel need improvement from the previous year. Shedding some extra pounds was a common response in a recent global survey, and many say they're actively trying to lose weight. So what diet methods are most popular?
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Tops of 2014: U.S. Advertising Consumers have a multitude of options when it comes to content, which means advertisers have myriad ways to reach them. So it stands to reason that connecting with consumers would be a veritable cakewalk. But as any marketer will attest, it's not that simple. So which ads connected with viewers in 2014? Read more |
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Mobile Delivers Christmas Cheer to Smart Shoppers Down Under During December 2014, almost half of all Australians with connected mobiles used their phones to search for gift ideas in the lead up to Christmas. With seven in 10 Australians now owning a smartphone and ownership and adoption continuing to grow, the shopping landscape is being revolutionised and mobile-invested campaigns are a must. Read more |
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Ghost Festival Is a Good Time to Boost Sales in Taiwan Ghost Festival, one of the most important traditional holidays in Taiwan, is a critical peak season for Taiwan's FMCG manufacturers. It's also a prime time for them to boost sales. And by understanding market dynamics, consumer purchase behaviors and preferences, manufacturers can be better prepared for their upcoming Chinese New Year campaigns.Read more |
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