2015년 1월 21일 수요일

Review: IBM Bluemix bulks up Cloud Foundry

InfoWorld Daily AM
January 21, 2015

Review: IBM Bluemix bulks up Cloud Foundry

IBM's full-featured PaaS wows with Watson and an amazing array of services, but many are not yet ready for prime time. READ MORE

Issue highlights

White Paper: OpenText

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management

Enterprise content management offerings address a range of user constituencies and business requirements, an increasingly common one being for delivery of personalized content in context. In light of this and other demands, we assess 22 vendors to help you identify the right one for your needs. LEARN MORE

The 3 most compelling updates in Windows Server 10

Windows Server 10 has three sets of enhancements that may convince you to open your purse strings. They're in Hyper-V, storage management, and PowerShell.READ MORE

8 OpenStack solutions that claim to be fuss-free

With OpenStack finally making the inroads its proponents have hoped for, the next big questions are where and how to run it, as well as how to keep it fresh. Several companies have ready answers via turnkey OpenStack solutions. READ MORE

7 questions to ask any open source project

Do you truly have permission granted in advance to benefit from and innovate upon an open source project? These questions will help you find out. READ MORE

How Big Data Analytics Can Help Track Money Laundering

Criminal and terrorist organizations are increasingly relying on international trade to hide the flow of illicit funds across borders. Big data analytics may be the key to tracking these financial flows. READ MORE
Resource compliments of: LinkTek

Hidden Problem with SAN and Other Data Storage

Did you know that migrating to a SAN or other data storage device will cause links that point to the old storage location to become broken? This is an often hidden problem that can result in costly disruptions and even data loss! LinkFixer Advanced can automatically fix those broken links. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE TRIAL VERSION OF LINKFIXER ADVANCED NOW!
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