2015년 2월 2일 월요일

American Sniper Moment | You Are What You Eat | Is Fracking Dying?

Cliff Weathers, AlterNet
Are falling prices ​killing shale oil and gas, or ​will the environmental horror return? READ MORE»

Stefanie Sacks, MS, CNS, CDN, Tarcher/Penguin
A new book pushes you to question what you're eating and gives you the tools to do something about it. READ MORE»

Allegra Kirkland, AlterNet
It’s not just happening in Brooklyn and the Bay Area. READ MORE»

By William Astore, TomDispatch
The war on terror is still ongoing, with the mission eternally unaccomplished. READ MORE»

By Staffer, AlterNet
Supporters of Hillary Clinton should be very concerned about the popularity of Clinton’s ideas and her ability to win the Presidency. READ MORE»

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon.com
America went to war for 10 years and we missed it. Now Iraq is back to torment us, as mythology and macho fantasy. READ MORE»

By Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street
Israel is becoming a partisan football, a wedge issue cynically manipulated to grab headlines and seek political gain. READ MORE»

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet
There’s always room for experimentation. READ MORE»

By Kay Whitlock, Michael Bronski, Beacon Press
Conceptualizing violence within the frame of hate makes it easy to mistake symptom for cause. READ MORE»

By Zaid Jilani, AlterNet
The child was netted by police a day after the Charlie Hebdo incident.READ MORE»

By Paul Rosenberg, Salon.com
An important new book argues that America's most successful social program needs to be strengthened READ MORE»

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