2015년 2월 28일 토요일

The Switch: There’s already a conspiracy theory brewing over net neutrality

The Washington Post
The Switch
Today's technology and tech policy news  •  Fri., Feb. 27, 2015
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There’s already a conspiracy theory brewing over net neutrality
Why won't they release the rules?!?!It's been less than 24 hours since the Federal Communications Commission voted to approve strict new regulations on Internet providers, but that's the leading question coming from its critics.  Read full article »

Silent Circle buys out Blackphone stake ahead of Mobile World Congress
Silent Circle, creator of the encrypted Blackphone, has received a fresh infusion of cash from private investors and assumed full ownership of its flagship product, the company said Thursday. Silent Circle co-developed the phone with Madrid-based company Geeksphone. It has now bought out the joint venture between the two, in the first major business move under new chief executive William Conner, who assumed leadership in January.   Read full article »
Leonard Nimoy’s struggle with being Spock
For decades, Leonard Nimoy lived and prospered. But on Friday, fans of the actor got the terrible news: the man who played Spock on the Star Trek franchise juggernaut died at his home in Los Angeles at 83.  Read full article »
Center for Innovative Technology head to step down at year’s end
The president and chief executive of the Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon will step down at the end of the year to return to the private sector, the economic development group said Friday.Peter Jobse was named the chief executive of CIT in May 2003 and is credited with turning the sleepy organization into one of the region’s most prolific angel investing and technology commercialization bodies.   Read full article »
The Switchboard: The FCC approved its net neutrality rules. Now, what’s next?
Published every weekday, the Switchboard is your morning helping of handpicked stories from The Switch team.Join us today for our weekly live chat, Switchback. We'll kick things off at 11 a.m. Eastern. You can submit your questions now, right here.  Read full article »
Security firm finds link between China and Anthem hack
A Northern Virginia cyber security firm says it has uncovered links between Chinese government-sponsored researchers and the hack of health insurance giant Anthem.Malicious software used in the Anthem hack conclusively matches malware that was used to target a small U.S. defense contractor and that the FBI has said originated in China, said Rich Barger, chief intelligence officer of ThreatConnect.  Read full article »
Innovations: After net neutrality vote, an uncertain future for the Internet
Thursday, during a rancorous meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, the agency voted 3-2 to impose public utility regulations on Internet access providers, resurrecting a 1934 law known as Title II.  Read full article »

Innovations: The ‘unstealable’ bike to begin shipping in September
Three college kids in Chile captivated the Internet last August when they released a video of an “unstealable” bike. The video showed off the prototype of a bicycle in which the frame transformed into a locking mechanism. A thief would have to cut through the frame to take it, making it not worth the trouble to steal.  Read full article »
Innovations: The epic quest to become the first $1 trillion company
There are plenty of reasons why Apple could become the first $1 trillion company. First of all, there’s the iPhone, still the best business on the planet ever. Then, there’s the company’s unprecedented ability, Steve Jobs or no Steve Jobs, to bring new high-end products to market each year, and make them all part of a networked mega-ecosystem. In just the past year, Apple has introduced the Apple Watch, Apple Pay, Apple HealthKit and Apple HomeKit — four potentially big innovations with the ability to invent (or re-invent) huge industries.  Read full article »
YouTube Kids: For families,a video collection with controls
YouTubeKidsFor families,a video collection with controlsYouTube can be a great way to kick back, learn and explore with your children. But for some parents it can also feel dangerous, as if you’re always just a click or “recommended video” away from having to shield some eyes. Google has a new app for careful parents who want their children to use a version of YouTube made for young minds. The videos are in four categories — Shows, Music, Leaning and Explore — and have been pulled from the site’s more professional video producers such as Sesame Street, Khan Academy and the Vlogbrothers.  Read full article »
Alto’s Adventure: A compelling app to play in spare moments
Alto’sAdventureIt’s all downhillfrom here, so enjoy the rideOn paper, Alto’s Adventure sounds boring: As the snowboarding main character Alto, you glide down a mountain until you crash. And when you crash? Well, you head right back up to the top again. In practice, however, it’s so much more than its reverse-Sisyphean concept. Its stunning visuals, clever design and overall elegance make it not only a compelling game to play in spare moments, but a genuine time-suck. (That’s a compliment.)  Read full article »
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