2015년 2월 28일 토요일

Top Reads from the Fiscal Times

The Fiscal Times

Better Call Saul: AMC’s Gutsy Gamble Pays Off

Spin-offs are inherently a tricky proposition. The idea is to continue the lifespan of a popular show by taking one (or more) of the characters and placing them in an altered context. What often ends up happening is that the original show’s charm…

The 20 Craziest Things Ever Sold at Auction

How much would you pay at auction for an old piece of cake, someone else’s hair or a fake pair of ears? Probably not much – unless you knew that the piece of cake is from…

Llama Drama: 16 Things You Didn’t Know About Llamas

Two ginormous llamas are now resting comfortably in their pens after taking a wild romp through Sun City, Arizona on Thursday – but not before they melted the hearts of…

Can’t Sleep? Mindfulness Might Be Your Answer

Getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging, especially as we age. About half of all older adults report sleeping difficulties. This can make them more likely to…

The Dress: The Science Behind the Color Controversy

Have you seen this dress? Depending on whom you ask, it might be black and blue or white and gold. The debate, which started after a photo of the dress was posted on Tumblr,…

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