2015년 3월 9일 월요일

Free books! 19 no-cost programming guides - 02

Today's InfoWorld Blogs
March 09, 2015

Free books! 19 no-cost programming guides

Programming books can be costly. But free e-books and PDFs for several languages, frameworks, applications, systems, and disciplines are available. Here are 19 titles that have caught our eye over time, ranging in difficulty and appropriateness from absolute beginner to seasoned expert.

Issue highlights


How much could you save by automating IAM processes?

See what cost savings you could achieve with the RSA Identity Management and Governance (IMG) solution by automating access reviews, access requests, provisioning or all of the above. LEARN MORE

Calling all developers: Let us know what you think

Developers, are you curious where your profession is headed? Then take our survey covering everything from hot languages to devops -- and be the first to see the results. READ MORE

Why mobile apps are a step backward

The Web has given us the opportunity to share context freely and openly. Mobile apps takes us back to the days of the proprietary client all over again. READ MORE

IT jobs made modest gains in February

With only 5,400 new job added in February, the IT market is cooling off somewhat from the booming gains seen in January and most of 2014. The picture may become further complicated when the H-1B visa lottery takes place in April. READ MORE

In search of: A Silicon Valley scandal, juicy and ripe

Apple did what? Microsoft said that? We've heard it all before, and now's the time to turn around the snoozefest known as tech news. READ MORE
White Paper: Damballa

State of Infections Report - Q3 2014

Damballa’s Q3 2014 “State of Infections” report reveals the ongoing challenges faced by security teams in managing a mountain of security events and the positive impact of taking measures which can identify the true positives. LEARN MORE

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