2015년 3월 9일 월요일

The Great Bottled Water Battle at LAX

 March 9, 2015 
NBC NEWSBusiness
The Great Bottled Water Battle at LAX
Water has touched off a legal war at one of the nation's largest airports.
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Lawmakers take aim at brightly colored laundry pods
They're very convenient, but liquid laundry detergent packets are extremely dangerous to children. And despite repeated warnings to parents, an alarming number of kids are getting their hands on these brightly colored, but toxic little packets with serious consequences.
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Is Venezuela on the 'Short Road to Disaster'?
Supermarkets are installing fingerprint scanners to stop food hoarding and panic-buying.
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Where the Highest and Lowest Property Taxes Are
The Northeast, and Hawaii, topped the list of states with the highest property tax rates.
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Credit Bureaus Agree to Overhaul Consumer Records
The three major credit bureaus reached an agreement with New York's AG to stop reporting certain consumer debts and make it easier to fix errors.
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At Geneva Auto Show, Apple, Google Talk of the Town
Mayor Welcomes World to Government-Run Pot Store
For Many Women, Divorce Can Devastate Finances, Career
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