2015년 3월 9일 월요일

In search of: A Silicon Valley scandal, juicy and ripe

InfoWorld: Robert X. Cringely
March 09, 2015

In search of: A Silicon Valley scandal, juicy and ripe

Apple did what? Microsoft said that? We've heard it all before, and now's the time to turn around the snoozefest known as tech news.

Issue highlights

White Paper: Akamai

Hackers are Out There, Fight Back with a Strategic Plan

According to a new CSO survey, companies know hackers are targeting them, but too few have plans in place for fighting back. Here are the steps you need to take to eliminate the disconnect. LEARN MORE

The end of smartphone supremacy is nigh

While the Blackphone and BlackBerry bore in Barcelona, Ford and superhero glasses offer a frisson of excitement at Mobile World Congress. READ MORE

Think net neutrality's a good thing? Think again.

You think you want fair and equal Internet access for everyone? Cable TV's brain trust may seek to have a word with you. READ MORE

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