2014년 12월 26일 금요일

Eat What You Love and Lower Your Cholesterol

December 26, 2014
Day 8: Eat What You Love and Lower Your Cholesterol
Facts and Tips about Cholesterol Drugs
By Beth Isaac, PharmD
Taking a cholesterol-lowering medication doesn't mean you can go out and eat a hamburger and french fries every day. A high-fat, high-cholesterol diet can actually decrease how well your new medication works. There are a few things to remember when thinking about how your diet affects your cholesterol. It is not only the cholesterol in food that affects your cholesterol levels. Here are some of the other dietary factors that contribute to high cholesterol.

  • Saturated fat; found mostly in foods that come from animals

  • Trans fat; found mostly in foods with hydrogenated oils and fats, such as margarine and many processed foods, such as cookies and crackers

  • Cholesterol; the only source is animal products

  • Excess weight (also raises triglyceride levels)

Next Newsletter:
Five Supplements That May Lower Cholesterol

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