2014년 12월 26일 금요일

New Blood Test May Predict Breast Cancer's Return

Friday, December 26, 2014
Could a Blood Test Predict Breast Cancer's Return?
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Imagine using a blood test to give you the odds your breast cancer will return. A new German study brings that possibility a step closer.

Researchers have found it may be possible to look for "markers" of cancer cells in routine blood samples and use them to better gauge whether early breast cancer will progress.

The blood test looks for circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with breast cancer. While conclusive data about their relevance has been established for breast cancer that has spread, the CTC test has not been proven to be predictive in early breast cancer, the researchers noted.

It's hoped the CTC blood test will function as a real-time biopsy, providing an early alert system to identify patients who aren't responding to treatment.

Learn more about the latest findings on the blood test for breast cancer prediction.

Read the full article at EverydayHealth.com »

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