2014년 12월 26일 금요일

The Facts About Alcohol and PPIs

December 26, 2014
Day 8: The Facts About Alcohol and PPIs
Facts and Tips about Heartburn and GERD Drugs
By Kristen Dore, PharmD
It's one of the most common questions asked at the pharmacy: Can I have a few drinks while taking this medication? There is not always a simple answer to this question. Alcohol can interact with many medications and cause harmful effects. And even if a medication does not interact with alcohol, drinking still may not be a good idea. Alcohol makes some health conditions worse, including those PPIs are used to treat.

Alcohol can affect every organ in your body. Alcohol slows down the central nervous system and acts as a depressant. It can lead to decreased coordination and slow a person's reaction time, causing accidents and injuries. Alcohol may be harmful when used in large amounts and can become addicting. Continued use of excessive alcohol can lead to:

Next Newsletter:
The Power of Probiotics

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