2014년 12월 26일 금요일

Post-Holiday Brunch: Easy, Healthy Egg Bake

DECEMBER 26, 2014
The Last Diet You Will Ever Need
Are you tired of going through the same stop-and-start weight-loss cycle year after year? Get the advice and support you need to have a lifetime of success with The Mayo Clinic Diet online. Sign up now!
"Make a to-do list and keep it handy. This is one technique to help you keep on track to achieve your personal and professional goals. This can be on an index card that you keep in your pocket or a note on your smartphone."                    — Edward T. Creagan, M.D.
Healthy Recipe
Weekend recipe: Very veggie egg bake
Guests in town? Take the fuss out of hosting with this healthy, flavorful breakfast that can be prepped in advance and baked whenever you're ready. Plus, everyone will appreciate a light, tasty casserole the morning after a decadent week of eating. Think of this as your next opportunity to get back on track and make choices you feel good about.
Get the recipe now »
Move More
10 tips to get your family moving
Have you been lounging around the house too much lately? Get moving! Adults should aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week — and more if you're trying to lose weight — while kids should get at least 60 minutes of active play a day. Put the fun in fitness and get everyone excited about physical activity!

Get inspired with these ideas »
Today's Fitness Tip
Too tired to exercise?
Begin with just five to 10 minutes of activity — chances are you'll keep going once you get started. Exercise in the morning for more energy throughout the day, or stay motivated to move after work by putting on your sneakers right when you get home — instead of getting distracted by TV or the computer.

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