2015년 1월 18일 일요일

Carolyn Hax: Abruptly cut out of her sister’s life and struggling to get back in

The Washington Post
Carolyn Hax
Sun., Jan. 18, 2015
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Abruptly cut out of her sister’s life and struggling to get back in
Dear Carolyn:

I have a long story and I need outside input. I’ve gone to family, friends, etc. — no one knows what to tell me. My older sister stopped speaking to me a year and a half ago. It all started because I asked her to come over earlier than she planned for me to do a practice run on her hair and makeup for her wedding. When I asked her to come over early, she told me forget it. That was one of the last times we spoke. Prior to this, we were very close. I was her maid of honor and I was THRILLED.   Read full article »

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