Today's Birthday Horoscope:
January 31, 2015
Born today, you aren't the kind to stay in the shadows for long. When you get your first lucky break -- and lucky it is very likely to be! -- you will be ready to take full advantage of it and follow where it leads with a kind of enthusiastic abandon that makes you the envy of all who have ever wished to be so lucky themselves. Indeed, you may prove an inspiration to many in your lifetime, as you demonstrate through your own behavior -- in both personal and professional affairs -- how to be a brave, principled, upstanding individual who brooks difficulty with the same grace as he welcomes opportunity and success. You know what's important, you know who matters and you're not one to be shaken from those beliefs.
You are something of a dreamer. While you are young, you will learn to close your eyes and envision the future as specifically as you possibly can; later, you will discover that the more specific you can be, the more likely it is that you will enjoy a reality that closely resembles what you have imagined!
Also Born Today
Also born on this date are: Justin Timberlake, singer and actor; Jackie Robinson, baseball player; Portia De Rossi, actress; Zane Grey, author; Nolan Ryan, baseball player; Vernon Davis, football player; Carol Channing, actress; Minnie Driver, actress; Suzanne Pleshette, actress; Jean Simmons, actress; James Franciscus, actor; Franz Schubert, composer; Mario Lanza, operatic tenor; Eddie Cantor, singer-songwriter and comedian; Kelly Lynch, actress; Anthony LaPaglia, actor; Tallulah Bankhead, actress; Philip Glass, composer; Norman Mailer, author.
March 21 - April 19
You seem to know things that others don't at this time -- but is this clairvoyance, or simply the result of keen instincts?
April 20 - May 20
You have what it takes to accomplish something others may have considered impossible. It's time to show them what you've got!
May 21 - June 21
Others may be hoping that you're in the dark about a certain key development, but you know more about it than you're letting on. Much more!
June 22 - July 22
You'll be in a giving mood, but take care that you don't give up something you will dearly miss a little further down the road.
July 23 - Aug 22
The questions you ask will yield very interesting answers. Now is the time for you to explore unforeseen circumstances more fully.
Aug 23 - Sept 22
You'll know when the end of the day approaches by the way you are feeling -- spent and satisfied. Until then, you'll be on fire!
Sept 23 - Oct 22
Others are trying to figure you out in a way that makes you feel challenged and even unsafe in some way. You can resist -- politely.
Oct 23 - Nov 21
What comes as a matter of course will give you the reason you need to do something you've not dared do in the past.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
You may have to step in and ease tensions between parties who, in fact, have very little to argue about at this time.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Communication skills are improving, and they're likely to be put to the test -- but in an unusual environment.
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Your surprise will be remarkable, and you, in turn, can surprise another in a way that will be just as remarkable and memorable.
Feb 19 - March 20
Now is no time for re-gifting. What was given to you out of respect and admiration should be received with humble gratitude.
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