Tribal Energy Program |
February 2015—Events, Funding and Technical Assistance Opportunities, and News
Feb. 27, 2015
The Tribal Energy Program is pleased to share the following information that may be of interest to tribes:
Upcoming EventsSave the Dates for the EERE Tribal Energy Program Review
May 4–7, 2015
The annual EERE Tribal Energy Program Review is a gathering that enables tribes to meet and learn from other tribes that are pursuing energy sufficiency through efficiency and/or renewable energy projects, and to share in each other's successes. As energy sufficiency is a priority throughout Indian Country and rural Alaska, this unique forum is open to all tribes, Alaska Native villages, and others with an interest in renewable energy and energy efficiency project development on tribal lands. Watch future newsletters and the Tribal Energy Program website for details. |
Funding and Technical Assistance OpportunitiesDOE REDI Initiative Grants—$3.5 MillionApplications Due: March 4, 2015Learn more. EPA Environmental Education Local Grants Program—$2.7 MillionApplications Due: March 6, 2015Learn more. DOE Office of Indian Energy Announces Round 3 of START Renewable Energy Project Development AssistanceApplications Due: May 1, 2015DOE Office of Indian Energy is accepting applications for the third round of the Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Renewable Energy Project Development Assistance Program to provide tribes with technical assistance with furthering the development of community- and commercial-scale renewable energy projects. START will provide tribal project teams and tribal legal/finance specialists with long-term technical assistance focused on helping them reach a late-stage development decision point or milestone to further a project toward development. Learn more.
For other funding and technical assistance opportunities, see our list on the Tribal Energy Program website. |
News and FeaturesEnergy Department's Weatherization Assistance Program Opens Doors for Taos Pueblo Native Jasmine RameroJasmine Ramero, a Taos Pueblo Native, is on her way to becoming the first female weatherization quality control inspector/auditor in the State of New Mexico, thanks to the Weatherization Assistance Program.Read more.White House Launches Generation Indigenous Native Youth ChallengeAnnounced at the 2015 United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) Midyear Conference, Generation Indigenous (Gen-I) Challenge invites Native youth and organizations across the country to become a part of the Administration's Gen-I initiative by joining the National Native Youth Network—a White House partnership with the Aspen Institute's Center for Native American Youth and the U.S. Department of the Interior. President Obama launched the Gen-I Initiative at the 2014 White House Tribal Nations Conference to focus on improving the lives of Native youth by removing the barriers that stand between Native youth and their opportunity to succeed. Read more in the White House blog.
Regards, EERE Tribal Energy Program 15013 Denver West Parkway Golden, CO 80401 For more information on the Tribal Energy Program and our Guide to Tribal Clean Energy Development, visit our website. |
2015년 2월 28일 토요일
February 2015—Events, Funding and Technical Assistance Opportunities, and News
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