2015년 2월 28일 토요일

The Hill's Friday CPAC wrap-up

February 27, 2015

News from The Hill from the second day of the Conservative Political Action Conference. Follow our reporters at the conservative confab at @cam_joseph @JonEasley


Jeb stands his ground on immigration, Common Core   He gave a strong performance in defense of his record to an occasionally hostile CPAC crowd.   http://ow.ly/JKjf1

Bush: 'Makes no sense' to let Homeland Security funding expire   However, he says Congress has "every right" to act to roll back Obama's immigration orders.   http://ow.ly/JKji3

Ingraham uses CPAC speech to bash Bush   The conservative radio host suggested Bush could run on the same ticket as Hillary Clinton.  http://ow.ly/JKjPl


Paul thrills CPAC with sermon on liberty  The confab's perennial favorite got a rock star's welcome amid cheers of "President Paul."  http://ow.ly/JKjkA

Rand Paul: Your phone records are none of the government's 'damn business'   His comments hitting government surveillance drew loud cheers from the friendly CPAC crowd.  http://ow.ly/JKjqd


Rubio: I've learned lesson on immigration   Potential 2016 hopeful tells CPAC he was wrong in his past approach to comprehensive reform.  http://ow.ly/JKjJw

Rubio: 'Hypocrisy' that GOP would get shutdown blame   His comments come as House GOP prepares to vote on short-term DHS funding bill.  http://ow.ly/JKjGZ


Perry shows off foreign policy chops   The former Texas governor and likely 2016 hopeful blasts Obama as weak on terror threats.  http://ow.ly/JKjs6


Santorum: Obama foreign policy a 'disaster for America'   Santorum used his speech to burnish his foreign policy credentials.  http://ow.ly/JHowO

Top Santorum backer is 'rock solid' behind him   Foster Friess, who bankrolled Santorum's 2012 bid, will be with him again, he tells The Hill.  http://ow.ly/JKjcD


Gingrich: Clintons are influenced by foreign money donations Former Speaker warns of threat of radical Islam and foreign money coming into U.S.  http://ow.ly/JKjLW

Trump: Hillary, McCain were 'birthers'   The reality TV host tells CPAC the likelihood he'll run for president is at 75 to 80 percent.  http://ow.ly/JKjnc

Duck Dynasty star blames hippies for STDs   “It’s the revenge of the hippies!" says Phil Robertson.   http://ow.ly/JKja3


Check The Hill throughout the day for more news and coverage and results of the CPAC straw poll results, expected around 5 p.m.

Visit thehill.com for more political news and analysis.

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