2015년 3월 5일 목요일

Agenda Topics for 14th Annual Small Business Forum and Expo

DOE 15
Save the Date for 14th Annual Small Business Forum

AGENDA* JUST ANNOUNCED for the 14th Annual DOE Small Business Forum & Expo to take place in Phoenix, Arizona, June 16-18, 2015
The 14th Annual DOE Small Business Forum & Expo offers a robust agenda. Take a look at the exciting topics offered:
  • How to Respond to RFIs - DOE's Perspective
  • Successful Marketing Tactics for Government Contracts
  • Teaming/Subcontracting: Essential to Small Business Success
  • Teaming and Joint Ventures
  • Grants and Financial Opportunities
  • Woman Owned Small Business Program
  • Bonding
  • Legal Lessons
  • DOE’s Uranium Processing Facility Procurement Opportunities
  • Communication Strategies for Small Businesses
  • Access to Capital
Additionally, there will be sessions focused on the various program and site offices. These sessions will focus on information about the program/site office upcoming procurement opportunities, how to do business with them, and much more! The following program/site offices will be featured:
  • National Nuclear Security Administration
  • Office of Headquarters Procurement Services
  • Office of Environmental Management
  • Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and the Federal Energy Management Program
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Chicago Operations Office
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies (FM&T)
  • National Nuclear Security Administration
  • National Security Technologies LLC
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
 Check out this year’s conference agenda, then register to enjoy competitive registration rates.

Meet, learn, and grow in June 2015!

DOE2015 Conference Management Team
Email: InfoDOE@aetherquest.comWebsite: smallbusinessconference.energy.gov

Follow Energy Small Biz updates at #EnergySmallBiz
*Topics subject to change.

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