2015년 3월 5일 목요일

Technology Org » Life sciences & technologies news

Posted: 05 Mar 2015 01:33 PM PST
The protein merlin regulates collective cell movement, promoting effective and rapid wound healing Cells also follow a herd
The post The magic of wound healing has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 01:24 PM PST
Researchers at Aalto University and University of Turku have revealed how obesity is associated with altered opioid neurotransmission
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 01:21 PM PST
Mapping a fruit fly’s brain, neuron by neuron, to study how brain controls behavior Innately, we pull our
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 01:09 PM PST
A method of profoundly enhancing some cancer treatments could be right under our noses. A study co-authored by
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 01:03 PM PST
Exposure to hormone-altering chemicals called phthalates – which are found in many plastics, foods and personal care products
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:59 PM PST
Both copies of the Oct4 gene physically come together just as embryonic stem cells begin to develop into
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:54 PM PST
Scientists have discovered a new way to manipulate how cells function, a finding that might help advance an
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:50 PM PST
Injecting botulinum toxin A (known commercially as Botox) appears to be a safe procedure to improve smiles by
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:43 PM PST
Nanoparticles can function as carriers for medicines to combat lung cancer: Working in a joint project at the
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:38 PM PST
An extraordinary self-regulating heating effect that can be achieved in a particular type of magnetic material may open
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:33 PM PST
The mechanical basis of mitosis has only been understood in fragments so far When cells divide, their genetic
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:26 PM PST
Older brains may be more similar to younger brains than previously thought. In a new paper published in
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 02:59 AM PST
A study from Harvard Medical School researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital reveals for
The post Upending Alzheimer’s Theory has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 02:54 AM PST
A National Institutes of Health-led public-private partnership to transform and accelerate drug development achieved a significant milestone on
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 02:37 AM PST
Two of the four known groups of human AIDS viruses (HIV-1 groups O and P) have originated in
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 02:25 AM PST
Paranoid delusions – a key component of schizophrenia and several other mental health conditions – wherein a person
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 02:11 AM PST
Immunologist Vasileios Bekiaris has just received a Lundbeck Foundation Fellowship grant of DKK 10 million. The money will
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:08 AM PST
As the Arctic warms, tons of carbon locked away in Arctic tundra will be transformed into the powerful
The post Permafrost’s turn of the microbes has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 05 Mar 2015 12:02 AM PST
There is a world of difference between tailpipes and windpipes, but researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:53 PM PST
Research published this week in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology confirms that Australia has the highest incidence of
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:50 PM PST
A study showing that tooth decay in Logan-Beaudesert children has dropped 19 per cent since the introduction of
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:35 PM PST
A root-rot fungus that costs the avocado industry more than $10 million a year is facing a dubious
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:15 PM PST
The researchers performed whole-genome sequencing and copy number variation analysis of 100 samples to reveal mutational landscape of
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:11 PM PST
The earliest evidence of our human genus – Homo – was found in Ethiopia by a team of
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:20 PM PST
New research suggests that widely used statin therapy provides the most benefit to patients with the highest genetic
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:17 PM PST
Evaluating military personnel with blast-related mild traumatic brain injuries, researchers have found that early symptoms of post-traumatic stress,
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:03 PM PST
A recent study from the University of Georgia shows differences in brain structure according to how trusting people
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 12:58 PM PST
A consortium of environmental scientists has expressed strong concern about the impact of a controversial Central American canal
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 12:24 PM PST
Researchers are one step closer to unraveling the extraordinarily complex series of processes that lead to an event
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 12:13 PM PST
TAU study finds Druze share a genetic similarity that distinguishes them from other groups in the Middle East.
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 12:12 PM PST
State-of-the-art computer reconstruction of the original fossil of Homo habilis, or Handy man, shows this poorly understood human
The post Handy man reborn has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:55 AM PST
The earliest known record of the genus Homo — the human genus — represented by a lower jaw
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:38 AM PST
Just six sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can substantially reduce psychiatric patients’ levels of worrying, reducing the
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 11:34 AM PST
Researchers have found that Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is more heritable than recent studies have suggested with genetic
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 03:46 AM PST
Pietro Valdastri is convinced that the clever application of magnetic force can make minimally invasive surgery easier and
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 03:13 AM PST
Misdiagnosis of febrile illnesses as malaria is a continuing problem in Africa. A new study shows that in
The post Studying Dengue Fever in West Africa has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 03:08 AM PST
The University of Liverpool and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital are part of a large European and pharmaceutical
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 03:01 AM PST
Lights, sound, action: we are constantly learning how to incorporate outside sensations into our reactions in specific situations.
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 02:55 AM PST
Doctors write millions of prescriptions a year for drugs to calm the behavior of people with Alzheimer’s disease
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 02:43 AM PST
Researchers have long speculated that leakages in the blood-brain barrier (BBB) are at least in part to blame
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 02:27 AM PST
Carnegie Mellon University neuroscientists have identified a new pathway by which several brain areas communicate within the brain’s
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 02:21 AM PST
The best adaptive technologies are designed by, not for, people with disabilities, says Sethuraman “Panch” Panchanathan, senior vice
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 02:16 AM PST
A University of Melbourne researcher has found that common consumer products, including those marketed as ‘green’, ‘all-natural’, ‘non-toxic’,
The post Hidden hazards found in green products has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 02:00 AM PST
With one in six Australians recording some form of auditory loss, a new study by The University of
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:57 AM PST
University of Queensland researchers have found seven peptides (mini-proteins) in spider venom that block the molecular pathway responsible
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:45 AM PST
As days shorten and winter sets in, University of Minnesota professor Paul Iaizzo makes his first of two
The post From the lab to the north woods has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:37 AM PST
The development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) may be influenced through a protein in the gut leading to
The post Insight into Inflammatory Bowel Disease has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:23 AM PST
A UNL team has unveiled an extremely compact yet fully loaded vehicle that can brave conditions and navigate
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:19 AM PST
What do a human colon, septic tank, copper nanoparticles and zebrafish have in common? They were the key
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 01:07 AM PST
A powerful genome editing tool may soon become even more powerful. Researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 12:52 AM PST
Young women with ADHD who have been exposed to abuse, neglect or other traumas in childhood and adolescence
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 12:38 AM PST
Once fat cells form, they might shrink during weight loss, but they do not disappear, a fact that
Posted: 04 Mar 2015 12:34 AM PST
Yale researchers developed a controlled-release oral therapy that reversed type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease in rats,
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 08:42 PM PST
It is less than 10mm long, but the aptly named ‘enigma’ moth recently discovered on Kangaroo Island in
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:51 PM PST
A novel strategy to enhance genome editing promises to increase the efficiency of making genetic improvements in a
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:34 PM PST
Amyloid – an abnormal protein whose accumulation in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease – starts
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:34 PM PST
Postmortem brain slices can be “read” to determine how a mouse was trained to behave in response to
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:29 PM PST
UCLA life scientists have created an accurate new method to identify genetic markers for many diseases — a
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:25 PM PST
Treatment for painful episodes of blood vessel obstruction in sickle cell anemia is currently limited to controlling pain,
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:23 PM PST
Natural human hormone protects against obesity and diabetes in mice Scientists at the USC Leonard Davis School of
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:16 PM PST
Everyone worries about losing their memory as they grow older–memory loss remains one of the most common complaints
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:07 PM PST
Dartmouth College researchers aim to treat deep-seated tumors, such as those found in pancreatic cancer, by using a
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:59 PM PST
Modern biology has attained deep knowledge of how cells work, but the mechanisms by which cellular structures assemble
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:49 PM PST
Researchers at Vanderbilt University and in Germany have found that sodium – salt – accumulates in the skin
The post Study shows salt fights infection has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:44 PM PST
A new model shows that the filaments in heart muscle cells don’t automatically keep the beat Two hearts,
The post In a heartbeat has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:37 PM PST
Scientists have succeeded in producing cartilage formed from embryonic stem cells that could in future be used to
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:09 PM PST
It may be possible to live longer and increase fertility by manipulating diet, according to world-first research in
The post Diet key to lifespan and fertility has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 11:48 AM PST
An experimental Ebola vaccine made using an Australian virus called Kunjin might help in the fight against the
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 11:35 AM PST
A Cornell-led study of the genome and RNA of hookworm reveals for the first time which genes are
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 06:08 AM PST
Protein engineering is the crucial pulse of the booming, relatively new scientific discipline. Scientists grow, harvest, and reprogram
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 05:13 AM PST
Limp or firm, your handshake conveys subliminal social cues. Now, research reveals it also transmits chemical signals that
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 03:22 AM PST
One of the reasons why all currently-available cancer treatments are so limited in their effectiveness is that they
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 03:17 AM PST
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 14 different vaccinations children should receive between birth and
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 03:05 AM PST
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects 13 percent of adults in the U.S. and is associated with significant morbidity,
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 03:02 AM PST
With the aid of X-ray crystallography, researchers at the University of Michigan have revealed the structures of two
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 02:49 AM PST
Like musical sounds, different states of mind are defined by distinct, characteristic waveforms, recognizable frequencies and rhythms in
The post Brain Waves: triggering conscious thought has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 02:08 AM PST
To compensate for erratic shifts and spikes in its neuronal communications, the brain relies on the stabilizing mechanism
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:55 AM PST
Tumor recurrence following a period of remission is the main cause of death in cancer. The ability of
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:48 AM PST
Neurological disorders such as paralysis and Alzheimer’s disease are difficult to cure completely considering the poor capacity of
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 01:22 AM PST
New research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine has shed light on how chronic stress and
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:46 AM PST
Prostate cells that look normal under the microscope may be hiding genetic mutations that could develop into cancer
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:37 AM PST
The impact of pollution on wildlife could be made dramatically worse by climate change according to a new
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:36 AM PST
An immune system that helps bacteria combat viruses is yielding unlikely results such as the ability to edit
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:31 AM PST
The incidence of prostate cancer among men of Afro-Caribbean origin is higher than in white men, they are
Posted: 03 Mar 2015 12:27 AM PST
Using complex computational algorithms based on repeated sampling, a University of Arkansas graduate student helped spearhead a project
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 11:54 PM PST
Plants trade water for carbon – every litre of water that they extract from the soil allows them
The post Plants Use Water Wisely — Mostly has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 11:52 PM PST
After bowel surgery, more than half of the patients suffer from irreparable nerve damage. Now scientists have developed
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 11:38 PM PST
Scientists from the caesar research center, an Institute of the Max Planck Society, have explained, with the help
The post Rhodopsin on track has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 01:31 PM PST
Researchers from North Carolina State University, Indiana University and Wellesley College have characterized the gut microbiome of honey
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 01:19 PM PST
Chemotherapy often shrinks tumors at first, but as cancer cells become resistant to drug treatment, tumors can grow
The post New nanodevice defeats drug resistance has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 01:00 PM PST
Problems in a gene responsible for producing the protein TAF4b leave mice — and maybe men — unable
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 12:30 PM PST
A study of how climate change has affected emperor penguins over the last 30,000 years found that only
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 12:15 PM PST
In the first study of its kind since the 1920s, rats in New York City were found to
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 12:10 PM PST
Brisbane researchers have developed an antibody drug that attacks cancerous ovarian cells and limits the serious side-effects of
The post UQ research targets ovarian cancer has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 12:04 PM PST
The University of Queensland is performing the Southern Hemisphere’s most advanced cardiac imaging, opening the way for improved
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 11:53 AM PST
As the worst known epidemic of the Ebola virus continues in West Africa, scientists around the world are
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 05:12 AM PST
Analyzing data from 58,000 heart stress tests, Johns Hopkins cardiologists report they have developed a formula that estimates
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 02:38 AM PST
Study identifies neurons that predict what another individual will do Every day we make decisions based on predicting
The post Mind-Reading Neurons has been published on Technology Org.
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 02:32 AM PST
In partnership with the Liberian government, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) on Friday launched a
Posted: 02 Mar 2015 02:25 AM PST
Highlighting a potential target in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) and Alzheimer’s disease, new research suggests that

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