2015년 3월 5일 목요일

The Switch: Netflix tries to explain its apparent sudden flip-flop on net neutrality

The Washington Post
The Switch
Today's technology and tech policy news  •  Thu., Mar. 5, 2015
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Netflix tries to explain its apparent sudden flip-flop on net neutrality
A top Netflix exec is probably wishing he'd stayed in bed.The company's chief financial officer, David Wells, told an investor conference Wednesday that Netflix isn't "pleased" about the Federal Communications Commission's recent vote on net neutrality, which slapped strong new rules on Internet providers.  Read full article »

‘Rock Band’ is coming back this year
Time to get the band back together.Publisher Harmonix has announced that it's reviving the "Rock Band" franchise with a fourth installment -- creatively called "Rock Band 4" -- to be released sometime in 2015. The game, for those who weren't gaming teens and pre-teens in the late aughts, is one that lets up to four players take up digital instrument-shaped controllers and pick from a catalog of pre-programmed songs to perform.  Read full article »
Silent Circle pivots to corporate security with new products
Silent Circle may have started out targeting consumers alarmed by Edward Snowden’s mass surveillance revelations or C-suite executives worried about their business secrets being stolen, but the maker of the encrypted Blackphone has since turned its attention to security on a bigger scale.  Read full article »
This new GOP bill would completely gut the FCC’s net neutrality rules
Even as top Republican lawmakers vow to keep working with Democrats on a bipartisan net neutrality bill, a splinter coalition of conservative lawmakers are developing their own answer to the Federal Communications Commission's new rules for Internet providers.  Read full article »
Innovations: Apple Watch is competing as a fashion accessory, and that’s a risky move
A funny thing happened on the way to the expected launch event for the Apple Watch on March 9 — a number of high-profile tech competitors have all launched competing versions of a smartwatch in just the past two weeks. And that’s in addition to all the smartwatches that already exist in the market, such as the Moto 360.  Read full article »
The Switchboard: Clinton says she’ll release her e-mail
Published every weekday, the Switchboard is your morning helping of hand-picked stories from the Switch team.Over the next few weeks, we’ll be switching things up with a new Switchboard feature we’re calling "On Our Radar.” If you hate it, tell us.  Read full article »
Innovations: China is getting ahead. Can the rest of the world keep up?
I’ve visited China over a dozen times in the last decade. And I’ve seen dramatic changes during that time. But nothing compares to what’s happened in the last 18 months. The China of today is a very different place. At the rate changes are occurring, it will be very different another year from now.  Read full article »

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