2015년 3월 5일 목요일

Thursday's Headlines: Insurgent bloc of House conservatives proving to be a thorn in Boehner’s side

The Washington Post
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors and staff  •  Thu., Mar. 5, 2015
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Supreme Court justices split in key challenge to Obamacare subsidies
Supreme Court justices split along ideological lines Wednesday in a dramatic but collegial showdown in the latest legal battle over the Affordable Care Act, with the outcome difficult to predict.If President Obama could draw hope from the 1 hour and 25 minutes of debate about his signature domestic achievement, it would be because of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. Three years ago, Kennedy was among the four dissenters who would have found the entire act unconstitutional. But Wednesday, with his comments and questions seeming to cut both ways, he appeared to be back in play.  Read full article »
As House panel issues subpoenas, questions mount over Clinton e-mails
A congressional committee issued subpoenas Wednesday seeking information about Hillary Rodham Clinton’s use of a private e-mail account for official business while she was secretary of state, setting up a potential legal clash with the presumptive Democratic front-runner for president.  Read full article »
U.S. ambassador to South Korea ‘in great spirits’ after knife attack
SEOUL — U.S. ambassador to South Korea, Mark Lippert, was in stable condition and in high spirits Thursday after being slashed in the head and hand by an armed assailant calling for Korean unification at a seminar in central Seoul yesterday.   Read full article »
Insurgent bloc of House conservatives proving to be a thorn in Boehner’s side
The House Freedom Caucus doesn’t have a Web site. It’s not completely clear exactly who belongs to the group. But in the just-completed fight over Homeland Security funding, it was hard to miss the influence of the insurgent conservative bloc as it clashed with GOP leadership.  Read full article »
Unprecedented surge in online tax scams raises questions about TurboTax
When Jeff Parish signed on to his TurboTax account recently, he was surprised to see that the popular online filing service had already calculated a federal refund — to the tune of more than $5,000. But there was a problem. The 61-year-old marketing executive from Fairfax County, Va., was just starting the process of filing his taxes, not finishing it. Somebody had broken into his account, completed a fraudulent return and diverted Parish’s refund to a prepaid debit card.  Read full article »
Major rift in Metro’s board disrupted search for new chief executive
A major rift within Metro’s leadership has disrupted the transit agency’s search for a new chief executive after board members from the District and Maryland objected that the initial three finalists for the job weren’t the kind of executive needed to fix the organization’s problems, District and Metro officials said.  Read full article »
The Saudi king gave a prize to an Islamic scholar who says 9/11 was an ‘inside job’
Over the weekend, Saudi Arabia's King Salman awarded a prestigious prize to Zakir Naik, a televangelist and religious scholar from India, heralding him as "one of the most renowned non-Arabic-speaking promulgators of Islam." Naik, a trained doctor, founded the Peace TV channel, which supposedly reaches an audience of 100 million English-speaking Muslims. His popular YouTube stream includes videos titled "Who is deceived by the Satan, Christians or Muslims?" and "Does eating non-vegetarian food have any effect on the mind?"  Read full article »
Weather-related delays and closings for March 5
The following is a list of weather-related closings and delays for Thursday:Federal agencies  Read full article »
The latest Gabby Giffords push for modest gun controls is new. The outlook isn’t.
Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was grievously wounded by a gunman in a 2011 attack, returned to Capitol Hill Wednesday to help relaunch legislation aimed at closing loopholes in background checks for gun buyers.  Read full article »
Tired of shutdown battles? This bill would end them for good.
Tired of fretting about government shutdowns? Budget lapses would be a thing of the past under a new proposal from a House Democrat who wants to put an end to them for good.Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) said this week that he is seeking co-sponsors for a “Shut Down the Shutdowns Act” that would automatically extend existing appropriations levels for another fiscal year whenever Congress fails to fund agencies before their money expires.  Read full article »
A ‘battle for Seattle’ between two airlines is fueling huge growth
SEATAC, Wash. — The first thing a traveler driving to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport sees, even before the main terminal itself, is a fleet of Boeing 737 aircraft, decked out in the blue and white trim of Alaska Airlines, huddled around the airport’s North Satellite. The second thing he sees is a massive traffic jam of cars, inching along toward the arrivals level. Locals know to pick up arriving passengers on the speedier departure level.  Read full article »
Lawmaker claims illegal immigrants released by Obama are committing a murder a day
“Every day, all along border states, maybe other places, there are murders by people who have been arrested coming into this country, who have been released by the Obama administration, I believe in violation of the law, who are murdering Americans all over our cities. We hold the Democrat Party and the president personally accountable for this action.”  Read full article »
The Supreme Court cannot hide on Obamacare
The Supreme Court, it would seem, did not want you to see what it was up to on Wednesday.The robed nine were hearing oral arguments in King v. Burwell, a legal effort by conservatives to dismantle Obamacare and probably the most politically charged case to appear before the high court since Bush v. Gore. But, as always, there was no video of the proceedings and, curiously, the court chose not to release same-day audio of the argument, as it did in Bush v. Gore and has done in other high-profile cases since then.   Read full article »
A hint of good news for Obamacare, but don’t get your hopes up too much
Supreme Court oral arguments have wrapped up in King v. Burwell, and the initial reports suggest reasons for a hint of optimism, but absolutely do not get your hopes up: It is still very plausible that Anthony Kennedy and John Roberts could rule with the challengers in spite of what we heard today. Until we see a full transcript later this afternoon, much will remain murky, but there are a few things we can glean from the initial reporting.  Read full article »
Hillary Clinton’s use of private e-mail reflects poor judgment
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON has served as first lady, a senator from New York and secretary of state. She is no newcomer to the corridors of power. Her decision to exclusively use a private e-mail account while secretary suggests she made a deliberate decision to shield her messages from scrutiny. It was a mistake that reflects poor judgment about a public trust.  Read full article »
Rein in the IRS
Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) is now chairman of the Ways and Means subcommittee whose jurisdiction includes oversight of the Internal Revenue Service, and hence of Lois G. Lerner’s legacy. He knows how interesting her career was before she, as head of the IRS tax-exempt organizations division, directed the suppression of conservative advocacy groups by delaying and denying them the exempt status that was swiftly given to comparable liberal groups.   Read full article »
FBI: Suspect in shootings at NSA, Intercounty Connector is in custody
The FBI said early Wednesday that a suspect was being held in connection with separate incidents involving shots fired Tuesday at a National Security Agency building and into traffic along the Intercounty Connector in Maryland.  Read full article »
Winter refuses to surrender as region braces for another snowy blast
Just 15 days before the official first day of spring, many workers and school kids in the Washington region had another snow day Thursday and road crews prepared for an expected major late winter storm.  Read full article »
Aging in place concept has been oversold, professor argues
Aging-in-place may not be all it’s cracked up to be.That’s the view of a University of Florida professor of gerontology, who argues that the popular notion that older people are better off remaining in their homes may be simplistic — a view summed up by the sentiment, “I’d rather rot in my own home.”  Read full article »
Time for Nats to pick up the pace
When a pitch is thrown and Ian Desmond does not hit it, the Nationals shortstop pauses and inches back from the plate. Sometimes his feet remain in the batter’s box. Sometimes they do not. Often, he puts his bat to use, giving his cleats a whack or two or staring at it as he takes a deep breath. Then he steps back in.   Read full article »
Cricket World Cup 2015: Bangladesh defeats Scotland
Bangladesh moved into fourth place, and thus into the final spot for a quarterfinal, in Pool A following a six-wicket victory over Scotland in a Cricket World Cup match on Wednesday in Nelson, New Zealand.  Read full article »
D.C. United ends long day with CBA, victory, defeat
From Vancouver to Orlando and Foxborough to Carson, MLS players on Wednesday waited for updates on the labor negotiations between their union and league management. Would they be heading for the sideline or the picket line this weekend?  Read full article »
TV and radio listings: March 5
NHL7 p.m. Minnesota at Washington » Comcast SportsNet, WJFK (106.7 FM), WFED (1500 AM)7 p.m. St. Louis at Philadelphia » NHL NetworkNBA8 p.m. Oklahoma City at Chicago » TNT  Read full article »
Report says procedures put a chilling effect on potential FBI whistleblowers
Jane Turner loved being a FBI agent.It had been her dream job since she was 13, and she had been a good agent during her 25 years with the bureau.But once she became a whistleblower, the FBI turned on her the way the mob turns on a snitch, by her telling. She wasn’t killed, but her career was.  Read full article »
Harold Varmus stepping down as head of National Cancer Institute
Harold Varmus, head of the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes (NIH) of Health for nearly five years, is stepping down at the end of this month, NIH announced.Loop Fans may recall Varmus, a former head of the NIH and a Nobel Prize winner, for stunning a group of scientist by dropping the F-bomb at a conference. But we digress.  Read full article »
Oversight panel slams government official over use of personal e-mails
House Oversight Committee members railed against the head of the Chemical Safety Board (CSB), who had used personal e-mails to evade public record disclosure rules, and called for him to resign immediately.  Read full article »
Shmuley Boteach isn’t ‘America’s rabbi’
This past weekend, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach set off a firestorm with his full-page ad in the New York Times accusing National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice of turning a blind eye to the Rwandan genocide when she was on President Bill Clinton’s national security team in the 1990s. (This was after Rice had criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for insisting on speaking to Congress against the White House’s wishes.) Thankfully, Jewish organizations from the right to the left united to condemn this ad.  Read full article »
Is House of Cards crueler to wonks or operatives?
I met a blind priest at the airport. Father Ted taught me to take a leap of faith.
Father Theodore Hesburgh, who died Thursday at 97, was no longer Notre Dame’s president by the time I enrolled in 1994, yet he remained a campus legend, instantly recognizable in his crisp black shirt and clerical collar and with his shock of white hair. I knew he’d done important things — advised six presidents, chaired the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights under Nixon until his policy disagreements got him demoted, and transformed Notre Dame into an academic powerhouse, independent from Rome.  Read full article »
One way to make winter better: Canadian city ponders man-made ice highway
As the D.C. area faces a grim winter storm this Thursday that could paralyze city streets, Canada may be able to teach a few lessons in how to deal with ice and snow.The country already has some of the world's longest highways, but soon it may also have the world's first one that is constructed with ice. It would be called the "Freezeway."  Read full article »
Can a solar eclipse shut down Europe?
In the United States, power outages are usually caused by extreme weather events such as blizzards or hurricanes. In Europe, however, experts are getting worried about a phenomenon that originates far away from the Earth's atmosphere.  Read full article »
Justice Dept. declines to prosecute Ferguson officer in Brown shooting
Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was justified in shooting Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old, in Ferguson, Mo., in August because he feared for his life after Brown first tried to grab his gun and then came toward him in a threatening manner, according to a Justice Department report released Wednesday.  Read full article »
If the economy’s so good, why aren’t workers getting raises?
Are wages stagnant because the economy was bad yesterday or because it's bad today? Yes.The problem is that even though unemployment is a normal-ish 5.7 percent, wage growth is still a below-normal 2.2 percent. It could be that companies aren't increasing wages to make up for the fact that they wanted to cut them during the recession, but couldn't. That's what the Federal Reserve calls "pent-up wage deflation." Or it could be that companies aren't increasing wages due to the fact that there's more slack than the unemployment rate is letting on. And that's why the Federal Reserve is, for example, paying close attention to part-time workers who want full-time jobs but can't find them.  Read full article »
Exelon, Pepco sweeten package for utility customers in Maryland
Exelon and Pepco Holdings announced Wednesday they are sweetening the amount of goodwill money they will give to Maryland utility customers to win passage of their merger, one day after the state’s attorney general formally urged regulators to reject the deal.  Read full article »
After getting a raise, the glow fades fast
Raises are ticking upward this year, with the average salary bump expected to come in at roughly 3 percent in 2015. That marks the highest increase since 2009, according to one forecast. Workers should be grateful, right?  Read full article »
Why Google couldn’t live up to its mobile security promise
Last year, Google made a sweeping promise, saying that content stored on smartphones using the next version of its Android operating system, Lollipop, would be automatically encrypted from the moment users power up a device for the first time. The shift, announced shortly after Apple made a similar commitment, rankled law enforcement officials who warned it might make their jobs harder.  Read full article »
Netflix tries to explain its apparent sudden flip-flop on net neutrality
A top Netflix exec is probably wishing he'd stayed in bed.The company's chief financial officer, David Wells, told an investor conference Wednesday that Netflix isn't "pleased" about the Federal Communications Commission's recent vote on net neutrality, which slapped strong new rules on Internet providers.  Read full article »
Why not to fear the impact of virtual reality goggles on your long-term health
Last week, Magic Leap chief executive Rony Abovitz caused a stir when he said that many virtual reality goggles can cause permanent neurological deficits.Abovitz called out a certain type of headset called stereoscopic 3D. That happens to be the style used by his competitors, including Oculus, Microsoft and Samsung.  Read full article »
Why Comcast, AT&T and other Internet providers might not sue the FCC after all
Internet providers are widely expected to sue the Federal Communications Commission to overturn the agency's new net neutrality rules. Who will fire the opening salvo, and when, is becoming the subject of a new Washington parlor game — at least until the rules are actually published.  Read full article »
‘American Crime’ is the rare network drama that will get your rapt attention
In the course of watching too much television, we eventually become inured to almost all aspects of crime, particularly the lasting grief that accompanies a murder. We see so many of them (and solve so many of them) that they become meaningless.  Read full article »
New designers turn to nudity to make a splash at Paris Fashion Week
Robin Givhan, The Washington Post’s Pulitzer-winning fashion critic, is covering Paris Fashion Week. Follow along as she makes her way from runway to runway. Read her stories on Style Blog and follow her on Twitter: @robingivhan.  Read full article »
We know it’s just the MTV Movie Awards. Still, we have problems with these nominations.
With the Oscars behind us, you may have assumed that the film awards season was over and done. You’d be wrong.The MTV Movie Awards, which will air April 12 with host Amy Schumer, announced their full list of nominees today. Unlike the more prestigious ceremonies, MTV’s version of the Academy Awards features not just categories like movie of the year and best female and male performances, but also “best shirtless performance,” “best scared-as-s*** performance” and “best fight,” naturally.  Read full article »
Carolyn Hax: Ask the bride-to-be if abusive ex is on the guest list
Adapted from a recent online discussion. Dear Carolyn:One of my friends invited me to her wedding. She is also friends with a man I was in an abusive relationship with and who assaulted me after we broke up. This happened years ago.   Read full article »

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