2015년 1월 2일 금요일

Do Now Update: October 10

Do Now Update
October 10

Featured Do Now: #DoNowVoteVoting BoothUpcoming midterm elections have drawn renewed attention to the importance of the youth vote. This week we're asking students Why is it important for young people to vote? What issues would influence your vote the most, and how can youth influence the outcome of an election? Join the conversation by tweeting @KQEDEdspace using the hashtag #DoNowVote.

Special KQED Do Now: #WhereDoYouBelongBAYMN Fest 2014 Poster
Next week BAYMN FEST, a free two-day interactive showcase of media produced by young folks will be held at the San Francisco Public Library on October 17 and 18. In honor of the event we'll be hosting a special KQED Do Now focused on identity and belonging. Post will be live the morning ofFriday, October 17 and there will be a live Twitter chat. We would love to hear from your students! 

Do Now Arts & Pop Culture: #DoNowRemixDJ RemixIs remixing and appropriating original art and music always acceptable in the information age? Or are there times when it is a violation of the original artist’s material? How do you determine what is considered artistic appropriation and what is considered "stealing?"

Do Now ScienceBusy Fingers
Stay tuned for next week's KQED Science Do Now when we ask students to weigh in about project-based learning in their science classroom. Post will be live the afternoon of Tuesday, October 14.

Classroom Future DoodleConnected Educator Challenge!
You've watched the top TOOL-torials, now in In honor of Connected Educator Month share your vision for your future as a Connected Educator through this special challenge from KQED and ISKME.

Mobile Text MessageKeep in Touch
Never miss a KQED Do Now Civics topic, sign up for weekly mobile alerts and stay on top of the conversation. 

KQED Education postcard
KQED Education offers free resources to educators for integrating media and new media tools into teaching and learning specifically in STEMArts, &News. Learn more about KQED Education at kqed.org/education 

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