2015년 3월 5일 목요일

For the Record



General web

Almace Scaffolding [github/sparanoid] is a super-fast Jekyll framework.
Dashbrew [github/mdkholy] is a Vagrant build that aims to provide a PHP development environment for developing both web and command-line projects on different PHP versions and configurations. (Thanks Mohamed!)
Here’s a really amazing talk from Glen Maddern about creating mind-bending music GIF animation stuff [youtube/jsconf].

Laughing Stock


This is a really interesting, thoughtful post (originally a presentation) by Frank Chimero about responsive design, perception, edgelessness and a bunch of other things [frankchimero].
And here’s an AMA with Google’s VP of design [news.layervault].

Open Book


We wrote a new book: HTML5 and CSS3 For the Real World: 2nd Edition! And by we, we mean you too, as we crowdsourced a lot of the ideas for content updates. So, thanks for that/read the book!
Then we take a look at parsing URLs with isomorphic JavaScript.
Here’s a great little list of five free, fantastic-looking fonts.

Good On Paper


Get a load of these cool new Ubuntu phones [theverge]. They’ll probably completely blow Apple and Android away, right?
Chatlio [chatlio] is a service to allow your customers to chat with you from a widget on your site, with the chat getting piped to Slack or Hipchat or whatever your company uses (thanks Kat!).
Paperspace [paperspace] is “a cloud-based computer you can access from anywhere” (that has a browser). It’s pretty slick and the company has even produced a cheap hardware puck thing you can use to connect to your computer.
Google has (finally) updated and improved its contact manager [google].
Backchannel has 5 good ideas for Apple Watch apps [medium/backchannel].

For the Record


This is a really good idea: Let’s back up the Internet Archive! [archiveteam].
Finally, this Chrome add-on [chrome.google] is a handy way to remind yourself that social media is a great way to communicate and an even better way to ruin your life (thanks Kat!).
That's it for us today, we'll see you in line for a new Ubuntu phone!

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