2015년 1월 10일 토요일

Healthy Family-Friendly Makeovers

Daily Newsletter
January 10, 2015
Guilt-Free Swaps for Dinner Favorites
Healthy Family-Friendly Meals
How often does your family ask you: "What's for dinner?" While following the South Beach Diet, you can continue to serve many traditional family favorites by simply giving them a healthy makeover. Instead of being a short-order cook in the kitchen, follow these guidelines to help you prepare nutritious, delicious dinners everyone will enjoy.
Learn how to make over your favorite family meals.

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A Classic Dinner Recipe
Shrimp Scampi with Whole-Wheat Pasta
We've improved this quick classic by replacing the usual butter with monounsaturated extra-virgin olive oil and switching out highly processed white pasta for high-fiber whole-wheat spaghetti. If you use peeled and deveined shrimp, preparing this dish will be a breeze.
Get the recipe.
Kick-Start Your Weight Loss
New Year, New You, New Recipes!
The New Year is the perfect time to kick those bad eating habits in favor of enjoying nutritious meals that will leave you more than satisfied. We've rounded up some delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes to ensure that you get off to the right start in 2015!
Jumpstart your weight loss with these recipes.

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