2015년 3월 16일 월요일

US Ebola Patient Has Few Treatment Choices

 March 16, 2015 
US Ebola Patient Has Few Treatment Choices
A U.S. healthcare worker being treated for Ebola at the National Institutes of health has few treatment options.
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Ten Americans Evacuated From Sierra Leone After Ebola Scare
A charity says 10 of its workers whocame to the aid of an Ebola-infected colleague are being evacuated to the United States for observation.
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More Americans Evacuated From Sierra Leone After Ebola Scare
Several more Americans who may have been exposed to the Ebola virus are being evacuated from Sierra Leone, the CDC says.
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Stress Test or 3-D Scan? And the Best Heart Exam Is ...
Researchers compared 3-D heart-imaging exams with older stress tests and found little difference. But the findings opened up new questions.
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Herpes Pill Might Control HIV
A pill developed to fight herpes might help control the AIDS virus, researchers reported Friday.
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Fighting Ebola: What Helps and What Doesn't
Ebola-Infected U.S. Health Worker in Serious Condition
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